Download details

Dairyland Map 4X Dairy Production Dairyland Map 4X Dairy Production


Dairy Production
- Output: Pallets of dairy products, such as butter, cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and milk jugs when put the ingredients into it.
- Price: $70000
- Cycles/month: 480
- Production Costs/month: $24
- All pallets are 4000 liter capacity with exception to milk jugs, which are 2000 liters

Chocolate Production
- Output: Pallets of chocolate when put the ingredients into it.
- Price: $35000
- Cycles/month: 480
- Production Costs/month: $24
- Pallets are 1000 liter capacity

Salt Production
- Input: Methane and water
- Output: Pallets of salt when put the ingredients into it.
- Price: $70000
- Cycles/month: 480
- Production Costs/month: $24
- Pallets are 4000 liter capacity

Methane Buy Station
- Price: $1000

Generic sellpoint for ALL products included with this mod, in case you don't have a generic sellpoint installed.
-Price: $5000

Created 06-20-2023
Changed 06-20-2023
Size 15.02 MB
(0 votes)
Created by J Rock
Changed by J Rock
Downloads 75
Author J-Rock
JSN Epic template designed by